Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Be able to identify those patients who have sustained significant abdominal trauma by history, examination and appropriate investigation.
View curriculum for C3AP1b
14-year-old pedestrian hit by a van in hit & run incident at at least 40mph. Loss of consciousness at scene. Scooped & ran as felt too unstable for transfer to Major Trauma Centre (MTC).
We are always looking to expand the number of resources that link to the RCEM curriculum. If you would like to contribute relevant links to be included, simply fill out the form below. We endeavour to peer review all links sent to us to ensure they are of the highest educational quality.