Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
To develop the behaviours that will enable the doctor to become a senior leader able to deal with complex situations and difficult behaviours and attitudes. To work increasingly effectively with many teams and to be known to put the quality and safety of patient care as a prime objective. To develop the attributes of someone who is trusted to be able to manage complex human, legal and ethical problem. To become someone who is trusted and is known to act fairly in all situations.
View curriculum for CC24
Last week we delivered our revised HST teaching day focused on mental health-related presentations in the ED. This blog contains a full teaching package needed to run an enjoyable training day.
We’re launching a new coaching scheme for our local ED staff to help boost morale and empower them to reach their goals. Find out how you too could establish this in your own department!
A bespoke orientation programme for international doctors providing both medical AND pastoral support.
After years of studying and training as a doctor, I realised that I could only do my best for others if my own health and wellbeing was at its best. So what’s the plan? Project: Self.
Patients deserve you at your best. You deserve to be at your best. Your team needs you at your best. In order to be at your best you must start by putting your wellbeing first.
What started as an unexpected delivery in the Adult A&E ended with a reflection on how the most important patient we have to take care of is the one staring back in the mirror.
What you can do when confronted with problems of poor mental health, suicide and substance misuse in your colleagues.
A round up of the top 10 tips submitted by ED staff at the University Hospitals of Leicester.
mEDistation is an in situ educational tool that aims to capture learning moments and promote well-being amongst ED staff
Mindfulness, in its simplest sense, is a mental discipline that involves training attention.
“Morale: a theme of the moment” (thoughts from the #EDworkforceideas conference)
4-month-old unsettled over the afternoon then found unresponsive in cot. Mum out shopping, baby being looked after by her new partner.
The Sweet Spot: finding the optimal combination of Paediatric and Emergency specialties