Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
Based at the University Hospitals of Leicester, we serve the educational needs of healthcare practitioners in Acute & Emergency Medicine across the East Midlands, UK
The trainee will be able to assess the patient with a seizure to produce a valid differential diagnosis, investigate appropriately, and formulate and implement a management plan.
Last week we delivered our revised HST teaching day focused on mental health-related presentations in the ED. This blog contains a full teaching package needed to run an enjoyable training day.
18-year-old (???) male, tonic clonic seizure >20 minutes. Unresponsive. Known cerebral palsy and epilepsy.
Status Epilepticus is generally defined as any single or multiple convulsions lasting 30 minutes or more.
Febrile Convulsions are generalised seizures affecting 1 in 20 children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.
A 46-year-old man who has been admitted to EDU on an alcohol pathway. He has been on the ward for a few hours to sober up.
A 1-year-old is brought in by ambulance after he started fitting at home. Paramedics have given one dose of Diazepam.
An 8-month-old baby girl is carried into the ED by her mother after a reported fit at home.
27-year-old female. 33/40 primigravida, brought in by ambulance. She has been fitting for 10 mins.
We are always looking to expand the number of resources that link to the RCEM curriculum. If you would like to contribute relevant links to be included, simply fill out the form below. We endeavour to peer review all links sent to us to ensure they are of the highest educational quality.