Cards Against Orthopaedics

Cards Against Orthopaedics

What is it?

The aim of the game is to match up each patient with their Examination Findings, X-ray, Diagnosis and Management Plan. Any resemblance to an existing game is purely coincidental!!

Learning objective: identify the correct history and management for a range of orthopaedic problems

Cards Against Orthopaedics (rules).png

How do I play?

  1. Teams of 2-3 works best, although it can be played as individuals.

  2. Each team is provided with an envelope containing the complete card deck after it has been shuffled.

  3. The aim is to match each patient to the correct exam findings, x-ray, diagnosis and management plan i.e. one card of each colour matched together.

  4. Allow 30-45 minutes at least depending on the experience of your participants.

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