Cards Against Paediatric ECGs

Cards Against Paediatric ECGs

The aim of the game is to match up the History, Exam Findings and ECG for each patient case to their correct Diagnosis and Management Plan for a variety of medical presentations.


You can download a free PDF copy of this game by clicking the button below 👇 Just set your printer to print on BOTH sides of the paper (ideally in colour). We find they work well as a series of wipeable A5-sized laminated cards that we keep on the shop floor for some impromptu teaching when things aren't so busy! 🙂

How do I play?

  1. We recommend allowing 30-45 minutes per teaching session.
  2. Teams of 2-3 works best, although the cards can be used individually as a series of revision flashcards.
  3. Shuffle and spread out the green and yellow cards for all teams to see and access.
  4. The teams are then presented with a patient case card, and they need to discuss & choose the best diagnosis and management plan from the shuffled cards.
  5. The aim is for teams to correctly match a green and yellow card to form a complete patient case. Teams can also use the same cards if another team has chosen the same one.
  6. Points can be awarded for correctly identifying each card, and for explaining their choices. An answer key is provided in the pack to help you match up the letters and symbols.

And for educators wanting to play this game remotely with others learners via a screen sharing service like Microsoft Teams or Zoom, we've created a downloadable PowerPoint presentation you can use! (11 MB)

Cards Against Paediatric ECGs - PowerPoint demonstration.jpg

Open the PowerPoint so that you can see the slide thumbnails along the left-hand side. This viewmode will allow you to move/delete the Diagnosis and Management Plan cards for each case as your learners discuss the correct answers. We've also added a few blank slides in front of the Answer Key so that it isn't accidentally revealed too soon!

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