Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADs) Conference

Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADs) Conference

Today the EM3 team have been to the SADs conference in Leicester. The event was split between a session for healthcare professionals and a session for non-healthcare professionals.

Hopefully many of you will be aware of what SADs is and some of the features to look for when patients present to you. The Joe Humphries Memorial Trust website can provide a good insight into SADs, but perhaps a good place to start is with Joe's Story.

The JHMT is also a charity so whilst on the website take a moment to look at the get involved section too. 

If you want more information the videos below were made for general practice but are also worth watching by anybody working in ED. Again these are taken from the JHMT website.


This two-part video forms part of an educational series created specifically for GPs. Sudden Cardiac Arrhythmic Death Syndrome Part 1 sees LLR GP Dr Leslie Borrill talking to Dr Ffion Davies, a consultant in emergency medicine at Leicester's Hospitals.

This two-part video forms part of an educational series created specifically for GPs. Sudden Cardiac Arrhythmic Death Syndrome Part 2 sees LLR GP Dr Leslie Borrill talking to Dr AlastaIr Sandilands, a consultant in cardiology at Leicester's Hospitals.


Don't Forget the Bubbles has some entries that are well worth a read if you want to know more, especially the features to look for on ECG.

  1. SADs

  2. ECG changes that can suggest risk of SADs

My take home points from the conference:

  1. All faints, fits and funny turns need an ECG.

  2. Asking about family history is vital.

  3. Collapse during exertion is a red flag.

  4. Screening may not identify all at risk individuals.

  5. Teaching community members CPR is potentially life saving - see the good work of Heart Start.

Hopefully the resources we have linked to mean you will be more likely to think about and look for those at risk of SADs.

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