Lightning Learning: Suicide Risk
“The latest in our series of quick learning bites, designed to tie in with education and sims running in the department.”
Mental Health in the ED
The assessment of patients with mental health problems is a necessary skill for working in the ED, self harm is a common presentation and we are seeing more of it. Suicide risk assessment can also feature as an OSCE base in the college exams. RCEM and RCPsych have also launched the CLEAR campaign for Emergency Care of Mental Health Problems (see image).
For more learning resources on mental health we have modules in our Foundation Course, ACCS Course and PEM Course.
Its not just about our patients...
Times are hard and there are lots of stressors on Medical Staff at the moment, there are resources out there to help if you are struggling. Please look after each other and speak up if you need help or consider contacting some of the organisations below:
GMC Resources for Doctors with Health Concerns (links to lots of organisations)
Further Resources:
- SMACC: Is Your Patient At Risk of Suicide?
- #SMACCByte of: Is Your Patient At Risk of Suicide?